Betala med swish eller bank-plusgiro

Hej bästa kunder! 

Vänligen notera att oavsett vilket betalningssätt ni väljer, Swish, Plusgiro eller Bankgiro, vänligen se till att maila oss för att meddela oss att betalningen har skickats.

Vi vill också påminna er om att det är viktigt att inkludera ert fullständiga namn, adress och telefonnummer i er e-post.
Tack för er förståelse och samarbete.

Betala med Swish


Betala med Bankgiro eller plusgirot






Mobikey – Web Design Video

Org. Nr  700121-0678
F-Skattenr   700121-0678
Momsreg.nr   700121-0678



The general opening hours of banks in Sweden are Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 15.00. (Thursday 10:00 to 18.00)

Cash payments can be done at any bank (please note that you will be charged a smaller fee in addition to the sum on the bill). Fill in a slip at the bank with your name.

Payment services

Making payments at banks are often made by bankgiro or plusgiro. You can make deposits, withdrawals or bill payments at the Bank Offices. Please note that you can pay your invoices at any bank, but they will charge you a fee of around 150 SEK per invoice you pay. There are also payment services at some candy/tobacco shops and exchange offices and the fee per invoice is around 30-35 SEK.

International Payment method

Information on making the bank transfer to Sweden from abroad

Name and address of account holder: Mobikey, Timmerbacken 17, 14751, Tumba Sweden

Account nr. 4104 13 05105

IBAN SE48 3000 0000 0410 41305105


Message to the receiver: Your name (please make sure that it is your name or your company)\

SEB is one of the major banks in Sweden.

Nordea has around 11 million customers, approx. 1,400 branch offices and is among the ten largest universal banks in Europe in terms of total market capitalisation

This bank is a large Swedish bank and has good opening hours.

This bank is a part of Danske Bank.

This bank is known for being the only bank that didn’t need government support during the 1990 banking crisis